What Is the Cost of Dental Veneers? Alderley, Newmarket, Brisbane

What Is The Cost Of Dental Veneers In My Dentist In Alderley, Newmarket, Brisbane

The cost of veneers really boils down to the type of material that’s been used and also the technique that’s been employed to create those veneers. So again, on a crude level, ceramic veneers are a little bit more expensive or dearer compared to composite veneers, but you do expect greater durability, greater aesthetics, greater longevity with ceramic veneers. So there is a slightly higher price, but they are of a higher quality. In fact, they are the gold standard of veneers.

Now, within the category of ceramic veneers, there are two types of veneers. There are Prepless veneers and there are veneers where we have to modify the teeth or prepare them in order to make the veneers. Often because Prepless veneers do not require any adjustment to the teeth, don’t require temporisation, we can sometimes reduce the price on them, and they become a little bit cheaper compared to the veneers where we prep the teeth. However, there are a number of cases that may preclude having Prepless veneers. And usually, these veneers are done for patients that have smaller teeth, that have large gaps. They basically need to retain as much of the tooth structure that they have in order for us to achieve a good aesthetic result.

What Is The Cost Of Dental Veneers In My Dentist In Alderley, Newmarket, Brisbane

So with regards to composite veneers, they are the cheaper of the two options. It doesn’t mean that they are not as aesthetics. They do produce a beautiful outcome when done well. However, they don’t have the beautiful optics and the natural characteristics that ceramic veneers often have. With composite veneers in our practice, we have two techniques that we employ. One is a free hand composite veneer option, where we basically shape the composite resin over the teeth to create an ideal form and contour and colour of the teeth. And we also have what’s called an injection moulding technique. In the injection moulding technique, we spend many hours alongside our labs and our technicians to design the ideal shape of those teeth. We typically do this digitally so it’s a digital design of the actual teeth. We then print the design and then create a stent that we transfer onto the patient’s mouth. So it’s an exact copy of all the design work that we had done.

Now, this option or this type of composite veneer is a little bit dearer compared to the freehand option and that’s only because of the many hours of work that goes into designing them and also the involvement of a lab technician, a third party in the mix. However, it is a very predictable approach because whatever we design on-screen, we basically transfer into the mouth.

Now, with regards to the actual cost of veneers. In our practice, composite veneers, six of them would usually start from $29 a week. So we have payment plans available in our practice. They are often no deposit required and they are no interest ever. So six composite veneers are usually about $29 a week. Six porcelain veneers are about $77 a week. And eight porcelain veneers are about $97 a week. I guess the way we would phrase it in the blog would be from $29 a week for six composite veneers from $77 for six porcelain veneers to $97 a week for eight porcelain veneers. All of this is listed in our price list.


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Dental Veneers In Alderley, Newmarket, Brisbane In My Dentist

Dental Veneers

Thin, custom shells, enhancing smiles by covering teeth imperfections for a natural, beautiful look.


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